It is true that change, which has always been a given, is coming about faster than ever in industry after industry. As Author Paul Laudicina puts it:
“What’s different now is the level of complexity and velocity we are faced within every aspect of our lives and occupations. In short, what has changed is the ramp speed.”
An article from ‘Signals from the Future of Work‘ states, ” … in our knowledge based markets, change is constant and its beta is only growing.” — Managing Change IS the Killer Behavior
I facilitate change – I can work within uncertainty – I am good at seeking out clarity, and then making or facilitating the making of priority decisions based on people, goals and/or business value.
If you are finding yourself challenged in your business or organization, around change, people management, project management, teams or leadership or strategy or process. I would like to offer my help. I’d be willing to listen, consult, coach, and collaborate on solutions to get you and your team moving forward again.
If you are interested in or challenged by Agile, Scrum, or Design Thinking — Let’s talk.
I live in Charlottesville, Virginia. Can’t say enough good things about Charlottesville, local breweries, local wineries, more local restaurants per capita than anywhere else I know, local journalism, mountains, river, a dynamic downtown pedestrian mall. (FYI: I was once vice-president of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce).
What I offer:
- A conversation over coffee (or Skype and coffee!). I will listen to your situation and needs, and ask clarifying questions. But mostly I will listen.
- If we choose to move forward, we’ll come up with a 2 – 4 hour timeframe to meet with your team, at an agreed upon fee, that works for you and for me.
- After that, I will provide an assessment and a proposal. We’ll then converse on how to move forward in support of your team and your goals.
Thank you — Get in touch: larry_banner AT stanfordalumni DOT org
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