So this post is not about Agile or Scrum, Change or Collaboration — I simply have a photo album to share and thought I’d post it here! … Especially given that I’ve not posted anything in over six months. There is a thing, right, about setting blog writing goals, once a week, once a day? <— I believe that I am failing in that.

I could make this post about Leadership, though, and dog training. I think that could be a thing. I’m currently reading, How to Make your Dog COME Without Being a BUTT-HEAD … we could write the book, How to Make your Team WORK Without Being a BUTT-HEAD : )

Anyway, my family volunteers with Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue, transporting dogs. We’ve got two Pyrs, my Mom has three, and I grew up in a household that raised multiple litters of Pyrenees pups. Below is an album of photos I took at AGPR’s PyrFest 2016. Enjoy!